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Porcelain Veneer

What is a Porcelain Veneer?
Porcelain veneers are restorations made of porcelain (ceramic) material that completely covers the crown part of a natural tooth that appears in the mouth. The purpose of these restorations is to rehabilitate over-coloured teeth which have been severely damaged, broken, weakened, or bleached. Today, while more protective methods that cause less substance loss have come to the fore, in some cases porcelain veneers are preferred.
How is it applied?
After a detailed oral and radiographic examination, restoration planning is made by taking into account the patient’s opinions and wishes. Intraoral photos are taken, the shape, size and colour of the restoration are decided in cooperation with the patient. The teeth to be restored are shaped by the physician according to the restoration to be made and intraoral measurements are recorded. Restorations prepared individually in line with the dimensions are attached to the planned area with the help of special materials after small corrections are made if necessary.
What are the advantages?
The veneers are very resistant to chewing forces. Thanks to the development of materials, it looks like natural teeth, its aesthetics are quite good. As long as oral care is sufficient, the life of restorations in the mouth is long. It is a very aesthetic and functional option in the case of extensive ruins or old restorations where more protective treatments such as porcelain laminae and inlay on-lay restorations are not possible.